Thursday 28 November 2013

deskriptive text about kuta beach


 untuk anak smp yg lagi banyak tugas nih ya, inilah contoh deskriptive text tentang place / tempat. lengkap dengan penjelasannya, semoga bisa membantu ya teman2.....


Kuta is the exciting tourist area on the southern part of Bali. Most tourist visiting Bali, spend their time at Kuta Beach.
Kuta is one of the world’s most famous beaches. It first attracted western surfers with its world. Renowned suft break followed closely behind by sun. worshippers and the tourist attracted to its wide Stretches of white sandy beach. Kuta beach is the most beautiful beach in Indonesia.
Kuta is the center of night-life activities. Kuta has a shopping mecca. With its lines of shop, boutiques and galleries. Restaurants line up the streets as well as the beach front hotels, ranging from a small hotel, cheap home-stay until a luxurious resort.

Kuta merupakan daerah wisata menarik dibagian Bali Selatan. Sebagian besar wisatawan yg berkunjung ke Bali, menghabiskan waktu mereke di kuta.
Kuta adalah salah satu pantai terkenal didunia. Ini pertama kali menarik peselancar barat dengan dunia surfey, tempat istirahat terkenal yg diikuti oleh penyembahan matahari. Pasir putih yg membentang luas menarik perhatian para wisatawan. Panti kuta adalah pantai yg paling indah diindonesia.
Kuta merupakan pusat kegiatan kehidupan malam. Kuta memiliki kiblat belanja, dengan jalan-jalan toko, butik-butik dan galeri-galeri. Restoran-restoran berbaris dijalan-jalan serta hoterl ditepi pantai, mulai dari hotel yg kecil, tempat istirahat yg murah, sampai sebuah tempat istirahat yg mewah.

A.    Generic structure

Identification      :     Kuta is the exciting tourist area on the southern part of Bali. Most tourist visiting Bali, spend their time at Kuta Beach.
Description         :     Kuta is one of the world’s most famous beaches. It first attracted western surfers with its world. Renowned suft break followed closely behind by sun. worshippers and the tourist attracted to its wide Stretches of white sandy beach. Kuta beach is the most beautiful beach in Indonesia.
Kuta is the center of night-life activities. Kuta has a shopping mecca. With its lines of shop, boutiques and galleries. Restaurants line up the streets as well as the beach front hotels, ranging from a small hotel, cheap home-stay until a luxurious resort.

B.    Lexico grammatical
The 1Beautiful Kuta Beach
1Kuta is the exciting tourist area on the southern part of Bali. 1Most tourist spend their time at Kuta Beach.
2Kuta is one of the world’s most famous(famous) beaches/ 2most famous beaches. It first attracted western surfers with its world. Renowned suft break followed closely behind by sun. worshippers and the tourist attracted to its wide Stretches of white sandy beach. 1Kuta beach is the most beautiful(beautiful) beach/ 3the most beautiful beach in Indonesia.
3Kuta is the center of night-life activities. 2Kuta has a shopping mecca. With its lines of shop, boutiques and galleries, 3Restaurants line up the streets as well(well) as the beach front hotels, ranging from 4a small(small)  hotel, 5cheap home-stay until 6a luxurious(luxurious) resort.
Information colour of text:

1. Simple Present
ü  Nominal sentence
§        Kuta is the exciting tourist area on the southern part of Bali.
§        Kuta is one of the world’s most famous beaches
§        Kuta is the center of night-life activities
ü  verbal sentence
          - singular sentences
§    Kuta has a shopping mecca. With its lines of shop, boutiques and galleries
-    Plural sentences
§    Most tourist spend their time at Kuta Beach
§    Restaurants line up the streets as well as the beach front hotels
2. adjective
§    famous
§    small
§    luxurious
§    well
3. noun phrase
§    Beautiful kuta beach
§    Most famous beaches.
§    The most beautiful beach
§    A small(small)  hotel, 5cheap home-stay
§    A luxurious(luxurious) resort
4. comparism
§    Kuta beach is the most beautiful beach in Indonesia.

follow me!! @tasyamarliani thanks!!!

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